Project HEARD presents a GD Fanfic Borrowed Dreams The door to Britanny and Stripe's room slid open, and in tiptoed a lone person, shutting the door behind them. This person was neither Britanny nor Stripe, which is why they were sneaking about, as they crept silently around the room, checking the adjoining bathroom, the closet, and even under the bed, to make sure they were alone. Satisfied she was the only person in the room, Brianna went to the chair in front of the desk and gingerly sat down. She looked at the piles and piles of stuff all around her--Cheetah didn't keep a clean house, even after marrying Stripe--and, undaunted, started scanning for something. Brianna reached out to the pile of wedding gifts and pulled a certain gift loose. It was a thick, large photo album, white with ornate designs stenciled in gold on its cover, and Brianna carried it gently as if it were a treasured artifact. She handled it with the utmost of care, as if a tighter grip would destroy it. Setting it down on the desk before her, she carefully and slowly opened the cover to the first page. Her eyes widened, her mouth formed a grin, and she whispered "Yes!" as she found photographs inside. The first page was taken up entirely by one eight-by-ten shot of Britanny and Stripe at the altar, post-ceremony, turned to face the gathered friends and family. Brianna smiled warmly at the happiness she saw in their faces, and then she reached out and touched Brit's image with a finger. A sparkling effect obscured her vision for a moment, and as it cleared, she looked out on all the people that had gathered together for her benefit. She was arm-in-arm with Stripe, who, an instant later, leaned over and whispered, "You are truly lovely today, Britanny." She grinned a devilish grin and whispered back, "Just wait until we get away from everyone else, Muffin.." The two of them stood there for a moment longer, faces beaming out at their comrades and relatives, and finally, they took a step forward to leave the altar together as man and wife. "Hey, sis!" she heard, recognizing Brianna's voice. "Look up!" She did, with a smile, and saw Brianna holding her digital camera up and.. * F L A S H ! * Brianna blinked once or twice and looked around at her surroundings. She'd returned to Britanny and Stripe's bedroom--or rather, she'd never left it. However, for the moment that she was touching the image, she was Britanny, or at least had been living Brit's memories. They faded now, but then, they had been as vivid as if they were Brianna's own. Bri' lifted her hand from its position, hovering over the photo, and turned the page, holding it by its edge. The photo itself was the one she'd taken at the wedding, and there was nothing out of the ordinary about that. The album, however, was magically endowed by their father, allowing one to briefly relive a memory simply by touching the image. Of course, it wasn't meant to be used as Brianna was using it, but that was beside the point, to her.. she'd figured it would work that way, and was ecstatic to learn she was right. Caught up in the moment, she flipped through some more pages, finding other pictures to try out. The sparkling came and went again, and there she stood, substituting a heartily-belted-out "OH YEAH!" for her previously-rehearsed "I do"; after the flash, she flipped through another couple of pages and enjoyed her first dance with her husband; and so on and so forth. Brianna was fully immersed in the thrill of the magic book, and completely lost track of the time. It wouldn't've mattered, anyway; once she saw the photograph of Brit and Stripe on a beach together on their honeymoon, smiling for the camera, her hand practically involuntarily reached out and slapped itself onto the picture. As she relaxed beside Stripe, content to lie there after an earlier period of more intense, more 'intimate' activity, she drank in the beauty of the place where they were honeymooning, and the satisfaction that she and Stripe had finally made it to this day. Distantly, she was also aware of faraway footsteps, then a door opening.. Britanny watched as Brianna shot to her feet, startled, knocking the desk chair over. "OH!" Brianna blurted out. "Sorry, I didn't know you were home!" "We just got back," Brit said confusedly, stepping inside the room, with Stripe following. "We were out buying stuff with some of our gift-money." She leveled her gaze, expression unreadable, at Brianna. "What're you doing in here?" "Oh, um......." Brianna suddenly started looking around the room, as if searching for something. "I thought you had a spare can-opener in here--the one in the kitchen's busted again." "Is it?" Britanny said skeptically. Stripe stepped up beside her and she squeezed his arm by reflex. "Actually, no, we don't have a spare; sorry." "Oh, that's okay, then," Brianna said with a nervous laugh and smile. "I'll just cut the lid off or something. Anyway.. talk to you later. Bye, Stripe!" "See ya," he said with a wave after Brianna hurried off. He looked back at Britanny. "I don't suppose you'd have a clue what THAT was all about, hm?" Britanny stepped over to the desk and frowned, eyes falling on the open photo album front-and-center. "Not a can-opener, that's for sure." Brianna had taken to running when she was troubled, and this was no exception; she ran like it meant her life. She went until she was exhausted, then pushed herself some more; and when she'd rested enough to get some energy back, did it all over again. she railed at herself, all the time she ran. In her mind, she berated herself over and over for it. It'd been a foolish act of voyeurism, of course, and she knew it. The temptation had been far too great, though; she knew from the moment that Dad had told them about the album's unique properties that she'd one day try it out and see how it worked. And work it certainly did; while she was in contact with the photo, she lived Britanny's life fully and completely, although only in memory. The memories were real enough, though, she told herself; that was proven when she'd reached out to grab hold of Stripe on the beach and pull him close.. she scolded herself. Bri' continued to argue with herself, for all good it would do, right up to the point where she realized it was getting dark. She reluctantly altered her course and headed for home. She found Gina sitting with Ryan, on the living room couch, watching TV. "Oh, hi, sis!" Gina said brightly. Ryan looked up from the TV. "Hey, Bri'," he nodded hello. "Where you been?" Gina wanted to know. "Hi, guys," she acknowledged them with a smile. "Oh, just 'out'.. some running, mostly, and a couple of rounds at LazerMaze." She looked at the TV for a moment, then added, "Is Brit or Stripe home?" "No," Gina shook her head. "They went to dinner and said they were gonna take in a late movie too." "Oh," Brianna said. "Well, if you need me, I'll be.. roaming around downstairs, 'K?" "Okay," Gina smiled. "Have fun," Ryan said with a wave, which Bri' returned as she headed for the lift. The first stop, after she made sure that Ryan and Gina hadn't followed her downstairs, and Genn and/or Seance weren't out and about, was of course, Britanny and Stripe's room. To her dismay, however, the photo album was gone. She looked everywhere, even on the shelf in the closet, where Brit kept all her old photos, but those were missing too. Bri' moped to herself as she left the room. She walked dejectedly towards her own room, steeling herself to face the music from one or both of them when they returned home. That train of thought was hastily put on a siding, though, however, as she arrived at her door and did a cursory glance at the access/security panel beside it. It indicated that someone had been in her room--or had at least, opened the door--an hour and forty-one minutes earlier, a time that coincided with her still being out on her run. Cautiously, she keyed the door open and leapt inside-- --to find no-one there, and nothing out of place, except the stuff that had been deposited on her bed. She stared at the bed, atop which rested about 20 shoeboxes full of old photographs, the photo album, and a note in Brit's handwriting, with a catlike smiley-face ending it off. Here you go, sis have fun with it Bring it back to our room when you're done, please Love, Us Brianna grinned and shook her head. She sat down on the bed and put the album on her lap, opening it up. end