Project HEARD
History of Events in Alternate Realities & Dimensions

News: 01 January 2007 - Back in the saddle again.

Believe it or not, I'm back! The creativity bug has bitten me hard and I'm finding myself writing. Some of it is stuff that will be published, some is throwaway. Am I worried about that? No way. I'm getting a ton of skills practice from any of the stuff I'm doing and it's making everything that much better, in my opinion.

--Jason Low
01 January 2007

About Me/My Stories
What's useful to know about me, and about this site

New Updates
Anything updated since, um, the last update

Last Update: 01 January 2007

The whole reason this place exists

Last Update: 01 January 2007

Images & Art
Artwork featuring or relating to Project HEARD stories

Last Update: 24 October 2004

Hooking you up with my friends and favorites

Last Update: 22 August 2006

(plus 20,000+ at previous site)

This website developed using Emacs for Windows and Mozilla Firefox. Best viewed on 1024x768 resolution or larger - and really, if you're running something smaller than that at this point, no offense, but come on and join the '90s. Characters, situations, and stories are ©1986-2007 Jason Low. All other images, characters, elements, etc., are © their respective owners, and used without permission, but with the utmost respect; if anyone objects to their property showing on this site, please contact me so we can discuss.